"One discovers a thing because it is there, and no sane person takes credit to himself for such discovery. On the contrary, he recognizes with King Arthur,–– “These jewels, whereupon I chanced Divinely, are for public use.” For many years we have had access to a sort of Aladdin’s cave which I long to throw open ‘for public use.’
Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason
19th Century Educator

About this Site

We are in the “too-much” information age. Any search of “Charlotte Mason” yields hundreds if not thousands of results; everything from the good to the bad to the downright horrible. 

This site is an attempt to honor Charlotte Mason’s heartfelt passion to “throw open for public use” her ideas and methods for all who care to seek it. It can be incredibly challenging to get basic answers to important questions. We hope this site will make the road a little smoother towards sharing in the joys of a quality education for your children.